#1: Ditch the Bad Carbs and Sugar. Refined sugar, high fructose corn
syrup, wheat products, breads, pasta, processed and pre-packaged
foods... are usually full of molecular structures that are detrimental
to maintaining healthy insulin, glucose and leptin levels. These
nutritionally 'empty' calories fuel inflammation and pain in the body,
promote scarring of the liver, increase accumulation of visceral fat,
and create imbalances in the metabolic hormones, insulin and leptin.
Insulin and leptin resistance is sharply on the rise and promotes weight
gain and obesity, as well as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and
hormonal imbalances. Bad carbs and sugars are very addictive! Because
these substances cause changes in brain chemistry and the body's ability
to feel full or a sense of 'satiety', people often have very real
withdrawal symptoms of anxiety, irritability, fatigue, depression, etc.
when trying to eliminate them from the diet. These symptoms are
generally short-lived and can be remedied by eating more fat and protein
along with low carb vegetables for a few weeks. Avoiding carbs and
sugars for a few weeks also 're-sets' the pancreas and can begin to
normalize insulin and leptin sensitivity. Eating 'whole wheat' products
should also be avoided as the genetic structure of modern wheat species
has been modified to a 'hexaploid' species so that it is very difficult
to digest and utilize. Switching to ancient or 'diploid' wheat species
such as 'Einkorn' will often reduce symptoms that mimic gluten
sensitivity. Ancient wheat species are much easier to digest and don't
generally cause weight gain, bloating, allergies, brain fog, celiac,
#2: Support Healthy Sleep Patterns. The body needs at least 5 hours of
uninterrupted sleep every night to maintain healthy adrenal function.
Prolonged adrenal stress causes chronic magnesium deficiency, which
leads to poor sleep, which leads to more adrenal stress, which leads to
hormonal imbalances, more weight gain, increased cravings for sugar and
carbs, which leads to more weight gain, which leads to poor sleep which
leads to... I think you get the picture! Healthy sleep habits are a
cornerstone of overall health. If you have bad sleep habits you can
change them. It may take a few months but it is critical to your
physical and emotional health to make it a priority. Introduce healthy
sleep choices every day and they will become healthy sleep habits that
come naturally.
~ Go to bed at the same time every night
~ Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet
~ Avoid anything that will over-activate your mind and block serotonin
production before bed (TV, computer, phone, iPad, stressful situations,
work projects, etc.)
~ Avoid high fat or high carb meals after 7pm. A small amount of
protein and carbs before bed can help promote sleep. Fermented dairy
products like Kefir are a good choice. Tart cherry juice can also be
helpful as it is a natural source of melatonin.
~ If pets are disruptive during the night, they need to sleep outside your bedroom.
Use aromatherapy essential oils before bed: lavender, sandalwood,
mandarin, chamomile, and neroli are all good scents for inducing
relaxation and sleep. Place a small amount on the back of the neck and
just under the navel for best results.
~ Take a warm bath before bed. You may add epsom salts or essential oils to relax muscles and calm the mind.
#3: Eat Fat. One of the greatest hoaxes of our modern society is the
perpetuation of the idea that low fat diets are healthy and help you
lose weight. Low fat diets are not healthy. Period. Fat, including
saturated fat, is absolutely essential for healthy brain function,
cellular structure and strength, appetite satiety, hormone balance, and
cardiovascular and overall metabolic health. Fat does not cause heart
disease... sugar, chemicals high carb and processed foods do. It is the
sugar and high carb intake that causes inflammation, pain, high
cholesterol, insulin and leptin resistance, obesity, and a vast list of
other 'chronic' illnesses that are so prevalent in our society today.
Healthy fats include:
~ Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: medium chain lipid that is easily used for
energy and does not readily store as fat. Also a good source of lauric
acid with natural antimicrobial properties. Coconut oil has a high heat
point and does not go rancid very easily which makes it a great choice
for cooking and baking.
~ Grass Fed Butter: short chain lipid. Grass-fed variety contains
high omega 3's, vitamin A, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), and vitamin
K2 for cardiovascular health.
~ Lard: 50% monounsaturated / 40%
saturated fat. Excellent source of vitamin D3 when obtained from
free-roaming, pasture raised pigs.
~ Tallow: 55% saturated / 40%
monounsaturated fat. Good source of palmitoleic acid, tocopherol and has
natural antimicrobial qualities.
~ Extra Virgin Olive Oil: High
in oleic acids and a good source of antioxidants. Use on salads. Avoid
using for cooking as it breaks down and becomes carcinogenic with medium
to high heat.
~ Peanut Oil: superior cooking and frying oil.
~ Palm Oil: excellent oil for baking. Good source of beta carotene and vitamin E.
~ Sesame Oil: cold pressed oils are best. High oxidative stability; good for frying.
Fats and Oils to Avoid include: Soy, Canola, Corn, Grapeseed,
Cottonseed, Hemp, and all margarines, spreads and partially hydrogenated
vegetable shortenings. These are inferior lipid sources that are either
hepatotoxic (liver toxic), rancid easily, and do not support the
production of healthy cell membranes.
Six Weight Loss Tips (Part 2)
#4: Detox. Avoid chemicals in food, water and anything that you would
put on or in the body. Chemicals and heavy metals will often attach to
organ and gland receptor sites, blocking absorption of key nutrients.
Toxic halogens such as fluoride, chloride and bromide are very common in
our water and food and are harmful to the thyroid and pineal gland.
Toxic halogens are of the same molecular weight as Iodine, a halogen
necessary for proper thyroid function, and accumulate on receptor sites
at the thyroid gland, blocking absorption of Iodine.
Another group of toxins called xeno-estrogens often cause hormonal
imbalances that can not only make weight loss difficult, but increase
the risk of certain types of cancers. Xeno-estrogens are extremely
powerful 'estrogen mimickers' and block the absorption of natural
estrogens necessary for hormone balance and reproductive health.
Estrogen mimickers are widely found in our food and water supply, in
household cleaners and personal care products like lotions, detergents
and makeup.
Heavy metals such as nickel, aluminum, and mercury accumulate in our
bodies through our dental work as either white 'composite' or silver
'amalgam' fillings. These metals often 'bleed' over time and suppress
the parathyroid and thyroid function.
Radiation exposure is very common through repeated exposure to x-ray or
CT scan procedures and new 'backscatter' x-ray devices at most airports.
Even low levels of radiation build up in the sensitive organ and gland
tissues and can cause powerful disruptions in their function.
Other toxins include parasites, and hidden infections in the form of
'bio-films', nano-bacteria, and mycoplasmic infections are very common
and can disrupt normal function of all organs and glands in the body.
Simply put, toxins must be removed in order for organs and glands to function properly.
Prior to any detoxification program, is important that the kidneys and
liver are clean and efficient, and the digestion and 'gut' system are
healthy. Time must be taken to support and cleanse all detox organs
before attempting to dislodge chemicals, infections and other toxins
from their resting sites. Skipping this step can cause more harm than
Many toxins are stored in the fat cells. As fat cells shrink, the toxins
stored in the fat are released into the blood stream to be filtered by
the liver. Supporting healthy organ function reduces any 'detox' effects
of fat loss.
Be sure to stay properly hydrated during any detox program. The minimum
intake for a healthy individual is half your body weight in ounces of
water per day. More may be needed during a detox program to keep the
lymph system moving properly. Purified water is best. Avoid sodas
(especially diet sodas), energy drinks, and anything artificially
sweetened as these fluid choices often lead to more weight gain in the
long run. Fruit juices should be avoided all together if there is a
metabolic issue such as insulin or leptin resistance.
#5: Let Go of Destructive Thought Patterns. Even beyond the 4 basic emotional concepts of not being able to:
~ be healthy
~ do whatever it takes to be healthy
~ love self
~ be loved by others...
there are many other destructive thought patterns that can sabotage any
weight loss or fitness program. Some of these concepts that may test
'strong' or 'true' at the subconscious level are:
~ If I lose weight, then I'm afraid I will gain it back...
~ If I lose weight, then my face will look older...
~ If I lose weight, then I'll have to exercise, and I hate exercise...
~ If I lose weight, then I may have to stand up for myself...
~ If I lose weight, then I might find out I'm not any happier...
~ If I lose weight, then I won't have the power of a big presence...
~ If I lose weight, then I won't have the fat as a protection from others...
~ If I lose weight, then I might be too attractive and attract the wrong person and that scares me...
It is important that any destructive belief based in fear is
acknowledged and released or 'processed'. Often, people are unaware of
any such deeply held fear or belief. ERT is very useful tool in
identifying the thought pattern or belief so it can be acknowledged and
released. EVOX Perception Reframing Therapy is very effective at
releasing unhealthy subconscious beliefs. Once the negative thought
patterns are released, acts of self-care and self-love come naturally.
Losing weight, eating health, exercising, and healthy life choices
become effortless and do not need a lot of thought to achieve.
#6: Exercise. Keep moving. Exercise boosts mood, promotes blood and
lymph flow, healthy sleep / wake cycles and regulates metabolism to lose
weight and maintain a healthy weight. Be sure to find a variety of
activities you enjoy so there is a low risk of boredom. Walking is a
great form of exercise. Walking in nature is simple, requires little
effort, and gives the mind a break from work or hectic schedules.
Exercise should be fun. If it's not fun... then that's a good sign that
there might be a destructive subconscious belief at work... refer to #5.
Life is really all about choices. We get to create our lives and our
health based on the choices we make each day. Choose to love yourself,
forgive others, and create space for the life you want by letting go of
what you don't want. Energetically, anything that is dysfunctional or
destructive takes up space... space that something functional and
'life-giving or life-enhancing' could be inhabiting if you would just
let go of the dysfunction. Be open to learning the 'lessons' the
dysfunction or chaos is trying to teach you, and then let go of the
chaos by making changes in your life. There's something better waiting
for you if you will make that choice. Lessons always repeat themselves
until you learn and change. It is actually YOU who holds all the power
to creating the life you want!
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