It costs a lot to be sick. We have to be concerned about our health as
much as we are concerned about anything else. People are faced nowadays
with different types of diseases. Diseases not only affect you if they
get to your system but also your families and loved ones one way or
another. You should therefore eliminate all the possibilities of
becoming sick or if diseases have already been acquired, try to at least
control them to avoid further problems. Keep in mind that prevention is
still better than cure which means that you have to be aware and be
cautious about the possible diseases that you can acquire so that you
can avoid them.
The leading causes of mortality and hospitalization nowadays have
something to do with the cardiovascular and circulatory system which
involves the heart, blood, blood vessels, and all the organs supplied by
them. This means that this disease affects the body as a whole for if
it worsens may lead to dangerous complications, even death. We are
actually referring to hypertension wherein the root cause is the
increase of cholesterol levels in the blood. Hypertension is a condition
where the blood pressure increases because of several factors, one of
which is because the cholesterol level in the body increased due to
careless eating. In other words, cholesterol is mostly acquired from the
food that we eat. It is only logical then to resort to ways and
solutions that can lower cholesterol. One of the safest and natural ways
is including weight loss foods to your daily meals.
Cholesterol works in such a way that it accumulates on the wall of the
blood vessel where blood passes. It makes the passage narrower making it
difficult for blood to flow. This also makes the heart pump blood with
more force thereby stressing it. Overtime, this condition weakens the
heart and blood vessels damaged which in turn affects the organs that
are supposed to be supplied with nutrients and oxygen.
Since cholesterol found in foods that we eat is the major cause, we have
to counter it with weight loss foods containing nutrients that
neutralize the harmful effects of cholesterol. We have to be aware of
the foods that we have to avoid. Some of the most harmful chemicals of
foods are sodium or salt, hydrogenated oil and trans fat. Too much of
these is dangerous and may increase the risk of high blood pressure or
hypertension. Therefore you have to be aware and avoid foods that are
high in these chemicals.
Good weight loss foods on the other hand have nutrients that are
beneficial to the heart and blood. They keep the blood vessel healthy by
clearing them of fats accumulated on their wall. The usual suggestion
by nutritionists remains true; prioritize foods from plants, vegetables
and fruits while minimizing the intake of fatty meat and dairy products.
This is a simple but important principle in keeping your body healthy
to avoid diseases that could cost you a lot.