Customizing A Weight Loss Plan

In recent times, more and more people are overweight, and they become set on a quick and easy way to lose weight. They often set unrealistic goals, and then give up before it is reached because it was impossible accomplish. This article will show you how to make a weight loss plan that is right for you.

When starting a new weight loss plan, it is important to come up with a goal that is right for you. If you set a plan of losing 100 pounds in a month, you will most likely get discouraged and give up. Talk to your doctor or do research online to figure out a number that would be realistic for someone that is your weight, height, age, and gender. Creating a reasonable end goal for yourself is the most effective way to start crafting a weight loss plan. Come up with a weight you would feel comfortable at, and let this is your end goal, with no time limit.

After choosing an end goal for yourself, you should also chose several short-term goals. Most people will not be able to lose more than 2 pounds each week, so base your short term goals on one to one and a half pounds a week. Doing this will make sure that if you don't reach your weekly or monthly goal, you will probably be close. You can use these short-term goals to estimate the time in which your end goal will be completed. Also, be sure to keep track of your progress, and adjust your short-term goals accordingly. Try not to weigh yourself every day, as the weight loss won't be as apparent and your plan can seem unsuccessful when your weight goes up and down a little each day. Instead, try to weigh yourself every week or two, so you can see more drastic results that will provide more motivation.

Before setting out to accomplish your goals, you should consider keeping a journal of your weight before. Weigh yourself each week, and keep a chart that shows a comparison of your weight and the amount of calories you are consuming. This will give you a better idea of how well your weight loss plan is working once you start, and you will be able to see a clear correlation between your weight loss and your Caloric intake.

You should start off small when changing your diet and also when exercising. Drastic changes in your diet can cause your body to go into "survival mode", where it stores fat and uses your muscles as fuel. Instead of excessively cutting your calorie consumption, try to replace one meal with a healthy alternative each week. You should also gradually increase your exercise as well. Before starting your plan, go for a timed run and push yourself as far as you can. This way you will be able to come up with a reasonable work out time when you are crafting your plan.

A healthy weight loss plan should always be grounded with reasonable short-term and long-term goals. By following the advice in this article, you will be sure of how to start creating a healthy weight loss program.

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