Is Exercise Required to Lose Weight?

Ask anyone what the solution for lasting weight loss is and in most cases they will undoubtedly tell you that you have to "eat healthy and exercise." What do I have against this weight loss philosophy? I have a few arguments against it, but the one I want to discuss in this article is the part about exercise. I firmly believe that there isn't necessarily any kind of exercise required to lose weight. I'm sure that statement got your attention, and I assure you it's based on solid grounds.

You see, after so much research done on this topic over the years, the best, certifiable method to lose weight that is scientifically proven is through caloric deficit. The best way to create this deficit is to consume fewer calories than you burn. In order to know how many calories you burn in a day, you have to figure out what your BMR (basal metabolic rate)/RMR (resting metabolic rate) is. Consuming a total amount of calories below your BMR will put you in 'weight loss mode', so to speak.

Sure, exercise helps to burn calories, but most people grossly overestimate the amount burned during a workout. I'm not saying exercise doesn't help a little, but it certainly isn't a need that is set in stone. I've participated in different forums and you wouldn't believe how many people ask what the best exercise to help them lose weight is, when what they really should be focusing on is the amount of calories they are consuming. This shift in mentality saves you the stress of worrying about the types of exercise required to lose weight.

Once you focus on calories in vs. calories out, weight loss occurs more rapidly. While on this note, I'd like to point out that there isn't a certain amount of exercise required to lose weight either. The popular notion is that the more you exercise the better. But don't you find that in your personal experience the more you exercise, the hungrier you feel? And this is where exercise tends to take us, into a situation where we will consume more calories than the amount we burn.

So what is the most recommended action to take? Stop worrying about what the best type or amount of exercise required to lose weight is, and focus on the amount of calories that will put you in a caloric deficit.

Daniel explains the best way to accurately figure out your BMR/RMR in his blog. Read more about it here!

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