Approximately 35% of the US adult population is overweight, and an
additional 30% of adults are obese and this trend unfortunately is
progressively increasing everywhere partly due to the sedentary
lifestyle of the people. Overweight and obesity have been a public
concern as they correlate to the increasing morbidity and mortality
nowadays. You can say that you are already overweight when your BMI
(Body mass index) reaches 25kg/m2 or more; your BMI should be within
18.5-24.9kg/m2. This information should be remembered as it will be your
guide in managing your condition.
So, any idea on how fast can you lose enough weight in a week in a
healthy passion? Are you fascinated by the different ads telling you can
lose five to ten pounds a week? Well, do not be fooled by such ads
because from the realistic point of view, you can only lose a maximum of
one to two pounds a week, otherwise the process of weight lose becomes
unhealthy and would suggests pathologic process. We are making sure that
you have weight loss in a healthy manner. So losing weight more than
two pounds a week would suggest losing not just the excess fats you have
but the muscles you possess as well. You must be able to understand
that the objective of weight lost is the removal of unwanted fats that
have been accumulated in your body and not the muscles which help you go
through with your everyday living.
Losing excessive weight is sometimes not easy as gaining weight. People
do have different rates of body metabolism and this should be taken into
consideration as this is the normal physiology of your body, thus you
have to understand that your process of losing weight is not necessarily
the same as your friend's way of losing weight.
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